Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wonderful Spinning, Wonderful Project

Last night was the first day on the Tour de Fleece that I did not spin. (Not including July 15, which was an official rest day.) I was tired and passed out early, before I got to it.

But I made up for it. Tonight, I finished spinning the single for my Tour de Fleece yarn.

I still have to ply it and set it, but I've gotten through all the roving. (You can see what I started with here.) This weekend will be a marathon plying session on Mom's wheel.

Also worth noting is the ad that, as of now, is in the upper right hand corner of the blog page. I got set up on Project Wonderful, an ad site I heard about on Ravelry. I'm slowly working towards making some money off this blog, and this is a good step.

On Project Wonderful, advertisers are determined by a bidding process. It's kind of complicated, but basically the highest bidder at any given time gets the ad. I'm only getting one penny a day as I write this, but frankly I'm just shocked anyone is buying space on my site at all.

I'll probably add more ads and change things up, but for now I'm just psyched to have advertising. And I still feel it's ethical. No pandering to advertisers. And while I have the power to deny an advertisement, I don't get to chose which ads show up. They advertisers choose me.

(I doubt I'd block anyone unless they were ridiculously offensive.)

I also have real blog stats. I'm finding most of my referrals come from Ravelry.

I'm still looking at domain names, layout, etc. I'm looking at Pretty Posies right now. But the whole thing is a little overwhelming.

Any input or ideas are welcome.

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