Friday, February 1, 2008

Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year

I didn't have a chance to blog about it yesterday, but January 31, 2008 was a very special day. It was my anniversary. Not a romantic anniversary. It was the one year anniversary of the day I started my current job.

One year working at a call center may not seem like something to celebrate, especially for someone with a degree in journalism. But it means a lot more to me than more vacation days and a retention bonus (although those are nice, too.) In 2006, I had serious health problems, I lost my job and had to move back in with my parents. Getting this job put me on the road to turning things around.

The date sticks in my head because I had to wait for the next training class before I could begin. So for a week, I kept telling everyone "I got a job. It starts on January 31."

I celebrated by bringing in mini bagels and cream cheese for my team. My boss shook my hand when I told him. He said I was his first hire after he moved up to manager. Then he sent to the team letting everyone on the team know that I had brought "beagles" to celebrate my anniversary. (Which prompted someone else to message back asking if they were pure bred.) We had a good laugh.

I know it's February, but I'm finally ready to post my New Year's Resolutions. There are a lot of them. I'm going to take a few at a time. Even though we are a month into the year, I think my anniversary is still a good time to get a fresh start.

(Jules just reminded me that it's almost the Chinese New Year, so I'm not too far off track.)

Non-Knitting Resolutions

1. Clean up my apartment, which I will do by getting back with the FlyLady program. I don't follow all of her ideas. (I don't "shine my sink" everyday.) But I like the 15 minutes a day, and I plan to start a better before-bed routine. (Not so much the morning routine. In the morning, I'm lucky to leave the house with pants on, much less get in some light housecleaning.)

2. I want to be greener. I want to start by making Everlasting Bagstopper and cutting down on plastic bags. I also want to make more of an effort to recycle paper.

3. I want to have $1,000 in my savings account on January 1, 2009. (This is after Christmas.)

4. Take a more active role in maintaining my car. (My Dad still takes the lead on car stuff.)

5. Brush twice a day, floss every day, use the Fluoride stuff my dentist recommended, get my regular dental check ups (just had one this past week) and get those other cavities filled as soon as my dental insurance rolls over.

6. Try to eat a little better and exercise a bit. (However, my dieting days are still over for good.)

7. Spend more quality time actively playing with the bunny, not just letting her roam around the house.

Knitting Related Resolutions

1. Organize my knitting stuff. Put all my yarn on Ravelry, organize needles and notions and keep all my needed supplies in my knitting bag(s).

2. 2008 will be the year I get into Knitty. I need to set regular submission goals. I also want to start self-publishing and doing a better job of writing down my ideas.

3. Learn to spin and play around with weaving and dyeing. (And get out that sewing machine I got on Freecycle.)

4. Learn new techniques. Do a project that's stranded (fair isle, whatever you want to call it,) a lace project in lace weight yarn, an entrelac project, a mosaic knitting project and a modular knitting project.

5. I've already talked about swatching every Sunday.

6. Do more stuff for Etsy and craft shows.

7. Work on the blog more. I'm doing a good job with posting nearly daily, and I'm almost caught up from the holidays. But I mainly need to revamp the layout and do other housekeeping stuff.

8. Speaking of the holidays, I want to stay on top of Christmas gifts. The Year Long Gift-A-Long should help with this.

9.Complete (or at least start) level one of the Master Knitting Program.

10. Start on my book idea. (Top secret for now.)

That's a lot to work on, and it may not all happen this year. But I plan to work on breaking it up into manageable chunks.

It's good to have goals. :)


SpinalCat said...

Entrelac is actually amazingly easy. I just started a Lady Eleanor and I feel dumb for waiting so long to try it. Though I can tell myself the real reason I waited was to get Silk Garden on sale!
PS- teach yourself to knit backwards first. Knitty has a tutorial linked to the Lizard Ridge pattern (the original reason I learned to knit backwards)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I started Flylady in January! So far, it works pretty well, although I still don't wear my shoes in the house.