Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Steve, Don't Eat the Crochet!

I recently started using Google Feed Reader to keep track of all the blogs out there. Right now, I only have 2 non-knitting blogs up. One of them is The Sneeze.

Imagine my delight when I saw that Steve's entry today was about crochet. He has a bunch of pictures of crocheted food and other items by someone named Nicole. There are a bunch more pictures on Nicole's Flickr page.

According to her Flickr page, she only knows one stitch. That's pretty impressive work for just single crochet. (I think there is some plastic canvas needlepoint in there as well.)

On the entry, Steve says he wants her to crochet him a robot. (He likes robots. A lot.) I think he should learn to crochet or knit and make his own robot. And he should check out this site to see some knitted robots. Maybe he should hold a contest for the best knit or crocheted robot. The winner would get to choose the next Steve Don't Eat It food. I would make him eat one of Nicole's creations.

I wonder what he would think of my adult themed creation.

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